I just had a wonderful experience with a marathon-running customer of mine last week. He had bought my e-book on how to stop heart palpitations, and then stated that he was constantly having heart palpitations. He said that he had been having the palpitations for about two weeks straight, and that they were so bad, that he couldn't run very well anymore. Actually, he is quite amazing because he is in his 50s, and actually wins some marathons in his class.
He was getting about 10 heart palpitations per minute. In reality, it was a blessing in disguise to have the opportunity to work with someone who was having heart palpitations in the moment. Many of us get them very sporadically, so it's difficult to tell if any progress is actually being made, etc...
After doing EFT with him for a while, the palpitations stopped, and he said that he could tell that his heart felt strong again, and he knew that it was working. I could hear the excitement in his voice, and I was very happy for him. We were doing it! EFT was working it's magic once again... We were actually finding a way to stop his heart palpitations from slowing him down.
When he started to get the heart palpitations two weeks ago, he had called his cardiologist and he actually has an appointment to go in this Thursday. At the time, he was very concerned about the possibility of having to go on drugs to control them, or worse, having to have surgery... He was very worried.
But now, he feels like he can cancel his appointment! Then he said that he would probably keep the appointment, since the insurance is paying for it anyway, and then let the doctor see that he's okay now! What more proof is needed?
He went and ran long distance very soon afterward, and said that his heart beat strong the entire time, except towards the end. But then, he just did the tapping process on himself and the heart palpitations stopped again! He was very happy that he could control the palpitations, and I was so very happy for him.
To me, this is just amazing. EFT is an amazing tool to control heart palpitations. If you want more information, go to www.heartpalp.com on how to get instant relief for heart palpitations.