Alternative healing
I thought of something else that I wanted to discuss, and that is alternative healing. I have prided myself on always being reasonable, logical, and open minded when it comes to anything, and I do have a background of using vitamins when you were considered to be a "health freak" if you did, etc... But what I wanted to do is to discuss alternative healing methods, and also western societies block with regard to anything that doesn't come out of the mouth of a doctor.
It is very interesting to me that modern medicine is very closed minded when it comes to any healing technique or process outside of what is taught in medical school. Personally, I believe that the best way to test any claim or technique or process out is to SIMPLY TRY IT YOURSELF! I don't need some report to tell me what works or what doesn't work - I know from experience. I know, for example, that taking B-complex vitamins makes me feel calmer, and I can even smell the vitamin in the pores of my skin. I also know that getting a massage feels really good! Music relaxes me, hiking replenishes me, and sky-diving thrills me beyond words (only did it once though). So, what is the big deal about trying things out for yourself? Why do people feel the need to only follow what mainstream media feeds them?
I know that if it had not been for my more adventurous spirit, and open mind, that I would never have found out about EFT. I would have never tried it on my heart palpitations. I would never have cured myself of a back injury in seconds. I would have never helped my son get over his IBS problem. I would never have relieved the pain of a knee injury on my youngest son, or relieved myself of emotional pain over many things.
Call it whatever you want, but I believe that the best way to evaluate anything is to try it out for yourself. And if you're concerned about wasting time and money, then only do the things that have a money back guarantee! I was just thinking about sky-diving with that one - guaranteed to thrill you beyond belief or your money back... Well, I guess it doesn't apply to everything, but I think you get what I mean.
EFT is easy to learn, and free, and everyone has been trained by society to believe that "if it is good to be true, then is probably is". What a limiting statement that is!!!! What I say is, try it and see for yourself. What have you got to lose? I like the Nike commercial in a case like this - "just do it". Just try it and see, because there are many doctors, therapists, psychologists, and coaches who are recommending EFT.
What happened to people's adventurous spirit? The problem is that there are so many bogus claims by so many companies that we have become numb to everything. But thank goodness that there are still people out there willing to try new things despite the news media and societal views. To me, EFT is amazing, and just the tip of the iceberg of what the human mind is capable of achieving and doing. Our minds really are a lot more powerful than we give them credit for. For more information about EFT, you can go to EFT