Heart Palpitations

Friday, September 15, 2006

Instant Relief for Heart Palpitations website...

Okay, so I spent thousands of dollars in coaching and about 9 months of time developing my website. Now, it's a matter of getting the word out about it - how to relieve heart palpitations simply and easily..

My name is Steve Daugherty, and I'm working with a company called EWI (Enlightened Wealth Institute) to build a website and sell an e-book...

The experience has been very good, but like anything else, there are bumps along the way. The sister company to EWI is Prosper Learning. This is a coaching company that basically coaches people in a number of different wealth creating fields, such as real estate, stock market, and Infopreneuring. Infopreneuring is really selling information on the internet via e-books and other media. I chose Infopreneuring because it fit me best... The coaching was really good, except that there were some missing holes in it - such as, how to write an e-book! I actually had to go buy an e-book on how to write e-books... The author's wife laughed too...

So, this is my very first blog! I don't know how worthwhile it's going to be to have this, or whatever, but I have been asked to create a blog - and so here it is!

Everything I wrote about on my website, found at www.heartpalp.com, came from me. I suffered from 20 years of heart palpitations, and the doctors always told me something like, "they're harmless PVCs (premature ventricular contractions) - just avoid caeffine, stress, cold medicine, and you'll be fine." Even when I had recurring bouts of it, they would run tests, determine that I did have heart palpitations, and then just tell me the same thing. The biggest factor seemed to be stress. Whenever I was REALLY stressed out in life, my heart palpitations would act up again...

One time, before I knew how to heal myself, my heart palpitations got so bad that I had to be admitted to the Emergency room. As I lay there in the emergency room, I suddenly had an attack! My heart started beating over 100 beats per minute, after beating at about 70. I called the nurse in, and he came in right when it was happening. However, all he did was tell me he would rush to get the doctor. By the time the doctor got there, the racing had subsided. The doctor acted as if I was hallucinating! He said, "Steve, everything is fiiinnnneee (as he peered into my face with a strained look). There is no record that anything happened just now. Are you okay? Is something bothering you?" He looked at me as if I was crazy... I was shocked... I thought, okay, I'll play his little game, and rather then defend myself, I said nothing. I thought, I'll just do all I can just to get out of this awful hospital since they are refusing to do anything for me.

This is Kaiser Permanente in Woodland Hills, California. This happened about 2 years ago. Kaiser Permanente in Panorama City misdiagnosed my mother's colon cancer back in 2000, and she died from it. So, I have no idea why I stayed with them - except that I couldn't afford better health care at the time. I don't have them now - what's the point if they won't do anything for you? Sorry for my ranting and getting off track...

But as I lay there, contemplating what just happened, I thought, I'm going to see if I can make my heart race through pure thought. I started to think of the scariest thing I could think of - and as I did, my heart began to race. I was trying to get my heart rate over 100 beats per minute so that I could get the doctor to believe me that I had a problem, and then suddenly I realized, maybe I don't. Maybe my heart palpitations were all caused by my thought - by my negative thoughts... As I lay there thinking about it, I realized that I had allowed myself to get very stressed out about my life, and that I had the power through my thoughts to either raise or lower my heart rate. In that moment, I chose to think better thoughts. This was my first recognition of the power of my mind.

A few months later, a friend of mine found out that I was a Life Coach, and introduced me to an energy healing technique. It took me about 3 nights of reading to really get it, but after that, I went on a healing rampage! I seriously could not believe how well it worked. I was healing myself of emotional pain from my divorce, my son's knee pain, my other son's IBS problem, my aunt's back pain, my own back pain and shoulder pain, and much more... I didn't stop at anything!

The next thing that happened was that I decided to write an e-book on how I got over my heart palpitations so that other people who have them could get relief. What I have found out in my own experience with all of this is that our minds are VERY powerful... The mind has much more healing power than I ever realized... Doctors understand that stress is a major factor in most ailments, but they typically want to prescribe drugs for everything. I was on beta-blockers myself for a time. This worked to a degree, but I had strange side-effects that made me want to get off of them.

For anyone who is sufferring from heart palpitations, please see your doctor first - you want to rule out any chance of your heart palpitations being dangerous. Normally, they are not. However, they can be dangerous if they are associated with any type of heart disease. Again, please see your doctor first. I wrote this e-book for people who have been told by their doctors that their heart palpitations are harmless.

Anyway, so, I'm very curious about blogging, and I think this is a very cool way to get to know people who are having problems with their heart palpitations, and others too perhaps. Also, I am very much into Life Coaching, and creating abundance through using the power of the mind, etc... So, I'm wondering if I should write about that stuff here, or just keep this purely for heart palpitations information. I'm not sure yet.